Hello old friend. So much has happened since we last spoke: summer. A darn good one. We hiked, biked, bug collected, berry picked, picnicked, travelled...and wore ourselves completely ragged from fun.*
And since fun was the priority, non-essentials were neglected: our home was a disaster, we didn't eat enough vegetables, and I totally neglected this blog. Which is a shame, since I should have better documented the many memories we created.
But we've said a bittersweet goodbye to summer. Riley is back to school, life has calmed down a bit, and we're settling into a new routine. (Like waking up well before eight!) So maybe you'll see me here more often.
Meanwhile, enjoy our summer highlights:

*I should also mention this summer's milestones: Riley turned five, Wilco mastered mobility, and Matt and I celebrated ten years of marriage!