Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why Matt Likes Rehab

Because it's 102 degrees out, and rehab is air conditioned. And our home is not.

And Why I Still Won't Complain About the Heat

Because last July, I endured humid Houston heat in a townhome with a broken a/c (and a $300 electricity bill to show for it) while nine-months pregnant with a nine-day-late baby while slaving away, er, helping Matt, on a 15-foot double-helix-shaped mobile.

This year, I may be sweaty (and, actually, still slaving away), but at least our electricity bill will be 1/10 that expensive. Ah, I do love Portland.

Summer 2006


Anonymous said...

Your a/c was really out last summer? How did you ever manage??? I would have to move out, if that happened to me. We're hoping the rehab is going well!

Angela said...

Yeah, I am wondering how you survived that too... you are a trooper, and one devoted wife!

Annie said...

Okay, I'm way behind on what's going on. First, I didn't know you even had a blogspot. I found your blogspot on someone else's page. Second, I had no idea Matt was sick- hope he's getting better. Third, you're hugely pregnant. When did all this happen? Some friend I am...

Annie said...

Oh, nevermind about the pregnant comment. I didn't look at the label "Summer 2006" under the picture. I can start a good rumor though...