Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks life, for being great

Hi friends. Each Thanksgiving, I notice I'm always deeply grateful for the same general things: family, friends, faith, food...

But beyond that, here are the random/inconsequential things I'm thankful for this particular year:
  • Sleep (and a baby who's good at it)
  • That Riley didn't catch her classmates' lice
  • That Wilco didn't catch his sister's cold
  • Trader Joe's Fleur de Sel Caramel Topping
  • Modern Family
  • Design Within Reach (check out pages 10-11)
  • That my jeans get a little easier to button each day
  • My kettlebell (best at-home workout ever)
  • Rainboots


Annie said...

So cool! I didn't know Matt was famous for his mobiles.

Kari said...

Love the new picture! Wilco looks so different than Riley when she was born. Am I crazy?

Meredith said...

Your babies are beautiful! Modern Family is at the top of our list, too. Best show ever. :)

Happy Birthday!!!