Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Too Much of a Good Thing

Before Wilco was born, I had no idea how Riley would react to having another kid around. She'd gotten kinda spoiled with attention after four years alone with us.

Now, five months into this sibling thing, it's safe to say she's loving it. Still. To say she adores her brother would be an understatement. Obsessed might be the better word choice.

But it's been amusing to see how fuzzy the line is between affection and torture. (And fortunately, the boy's a good sport.)


Katie said...

That is so great! We got the mobile yesterday and hung up. LOVE IT! Thanke again.

Katie said...

sorry for all the typos above -I'm a bit under the weather.

Annie said...

These younger siblings have to be pretty tough! Cute pictures.

Kari said...

That's awesome. I have a lot to look forward to!

mdougall said...

Love the head gear on Wilco and the full face smiles of Riley. Cute! Cute! Cute!

Lindsay said...

Now Riley needs to put the bows in HER hair! So cute! Can't wait to see Wilco this summer!