- Our car is buried and the roads are treacherous, so, obviously, no driving
- My child's naps (my primary source of sanity) have been spotty at best
- My gym is open, but its daycare (my secondary source of sanity) is closed
- My (and Riley's) friends (another important source of sanity) within walking distance have left town for Christmas
- The real clincher: my stroller can't really get through the 12-inch snowdrifts, limiting us to Riley's walking-in-the-freezing-snow threshold–approximately four blocks

I heard they've canceled all sorts of flights into and out of PDX. This storm is crazy! Good luck. I was stuck home all day yesterday and I completely reorganized our office. How is that for Holiday fun???
Hang in there. I haven't gone anywhere for 3 days. I'm getting antsy! We did go for a walk yesterday - but we don't have snow clothes, and jeans get wet quickly when the boys are jumping in the snow. I hope I can get out today while we have a break in the snow.
Dear Santa,
Please bring my friend Kathryn oodles of sanity.
p.s. I've been really good this year!
The pros and cons to snow!!
I heart moms with toddlers.
Here's to hoping that Lissie and I can make it back to Portland. We're driving a U-Haul through Idaho and Eastern Oregon.
We miss you two. Stay sane and have a Merry Christmas.
I'm impressed that Riley can make it 4 blocks. Maybe if you keep at it, she'll be up to 5 before long.
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