Friday, January 18, 2008

My Name's Matt, and I'm a Workaholic

Here's Matt at his mobile-making shop.

Yesterday, he worked from 8:30 a.m. until 10:45 p.m., with a short dinner break thrown in.

That's what happens when, oh, five commissions are due within a two-week timeframe.

Riley and I missed him, but we figure the return of his workaholic ways is one more sign that he's really, truly better.
note: my good camera is getting repaired, so you'll have to deal with second-rate photos for awhile. so sorry!


Emma said...

Glad he is feeling well enough to work so much! But it's hard for them to be gone for so long!

Madelyn said...

at least business is that good!

(all the bath toys were already put back in the cabinet. I can't stand stepping on them and my husband will never put them away so it's the first sign bath time is over when the toys start leaving...i think he's bored of the bath toys though...)

Laura said...

Hahahaha. We should be mobile widows together. . . except that I should probably be sewing as fast as my fingers can go. Hmmm, that will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. By the way, Ben loved helping Matt - it gave him something

Lindsay said...

Yeah for the Elmo stroller! Yeah for Matt being able to work so long. At least you can go visit. We go weeks without seeing Scott during busy season!

Meredith said...

cute pictures! he probably just feels good being able to work again! i'm glad that business is good! sorry you're alone so much, though. that's never fun!

Breanne said...

I know what you mean. Paul has weeks like that too (architecture). I've decided (to help myself understand it a little better) that it is hard to avoid days and weeks like these in an artistic field. ? ... for lots of reasons I guess. I'm sure you know what I mean.
That is nice that you can go see him in his shop!

chrissy said...

It's soooo good to hear that he's healthy enough to work again, even though I know you guys must miss him like crazy.

susannah said...

I love to hear that he's back to his busy busy ways, and that business in going strong. That's fantastic. So I have a question about the mobiles, when they are used in a magazine do the people have to ask your permission first, or how does that work?