Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Swim

Summer in this city is absolutely glorious. And this year, I've resolved to seize the beautiful weather by riding my poor, neglected road bike as much as possible. Lucky for me, Riley loves the bike trailer this year, so we've set out to explore all the parks within biking distance. Yesterday's destination had a watering hole, which made for a great impromptu swim.

Needless to say, between Riley's swim, my bike ride, and all that sunshine, we were one happy family. (Poor Matt just worked all day. But, uh, earning money makes him happy?)


Andrea said...

LOVE the swimsuit!

Emily said...

You know, Shea has lots and lots of suits to hand down...

hmerrill said...

Wanna go on a bike ride? You've got to check out my most recent family bike-contraption. See one of my recent blog post! A Mom' gotta do what a mom's gotta do!
Glad you're enjoying summer. We've got to make it out there next year.

Kari said...

haven't i seen her on a bottle of coppertone baby sunscreen?

susannah said...

I'm loving Riley's, uh, swimming suit.

mdougall said...

What a model. Cute as usual - each and every pose I see. Fun day for all. I don't think I can match that when she comes here. Hugs for all. Grandma D.