- I have a nice husband
- I have a cute bundle of joy
- I don't have homework or tests
- I share the bathroom with two roommates instead of five
- I have fewer zits
- I can read for fun, not for school
- I'm no longer addicted to free cell
- I've saved more money than barely enough to cover next semester's tuition
- I don't have to bum a ride to the grocery store
- I can afford to eat more than toast and Pasta Roni
- I have the skill to cook more than toast and Pasta Roni
- I've seen more of the world than just the western United States
- I can run longer than 15 minutes without getting winded
- My current job (mommy/mobile slave) beats that telemarketing job
- I don't care what (most) people think
- I'm strong enough to survive a marathon, 180-mile bike ride, childbirth...and a hospitalized husband
Am I forgetting anything? (Yes, I'm looking for validation that getting older is great!)
So . . . I'm a bad friend and sister-in-law. I knew your birthday was coming up and I totally missed it. Forgive me for being a slacker. Hope you had a good one. See you in a few weeks!
Happy Birthday!! I love being in my 30's....sooooo much better than my 20's. Life really does get better the more you live it!
30 is great!!!! I love it! Happy Birthday!
I thought of you as I entered the bank and they had their large calendar right behind the teller.
So, despite the fact that I haven't opened my own calendar all week, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And yes, 30's are better than 20's! Enjoy!
woo hoo! happy birthday!
Happy birthday! I was thinking abut you today. I agree, 30 is better than 20. Once you're 30, you're just over it.
Go Free Cell! And happy birthday!
You are so awesome! You've done a 180 mile bike ride? In one day? Woah. Not to mention all those other accomplishments! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I hope it was great.
You go girl! I think your 30 is probably better than most others... Happy Birthday!
30 already? What? Would you come up with one for 40. That is quickly approaching for me.
Happy Birthday! You make sounding 30 so good...why am I NOT looking forward to it? I am looking forward to it more than if I had to turn twenty again. I can relate to much of what you listed;)although, still working on the running for 15 mins without getting winded. I think I'm up to 14 before I need a break! And I know I'll never runa full marathon!
My mom says her 30's were her favorite age range because you're old enough to be taken more seriously, but young enough to have fun, feel young ... and you can easily be friends with people younger and older than you!
Hope you had a good birthday!
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